
Modus Operandi

Modus Operandi is my one-man techno band which I formed in the Spring of 1998.  My first CD was a small group of about 15 simple techno songs entitled "Big People Little People."  About a month after I completed my first CD, I started on my second.  I named my second CD "Mission One," and it had about 10 tracks that were mostly made with many samples from various sources. Since then, I have become an artist on mp3.com and have produced two more CDs.  The first  Digital Automatic Music(DAM) CD I created was "The Cult of the Personality."  It featured slighty better compositions than my first two CDs.  Just recently, I have completed my second DAM CD entitled "The Hopping Psycholoon."

Click on the Hopping Psycholoon for my mp3.com page

New "Blue Mariusz" Single

My latest work is a single entitled "Blue Mariusz."  It combines elements from the classic song "Blue Monday" entermeshed with my own musical influences.  Download the .mp3 file today by clicking on the link below.

Download "Blue Mariusz"(sample)


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